
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Rules

Rules regarding everything from character creation to role play to acceptable behavior and signatures will be found here. It is absolutely necessary that you read everything included here.

4 4 Signature Regulations
by Admin
Jul 10, 2011 17:42:20 GMT -5
No New Posts Plots

Plots, including the very base for Stranglehold, will all be posted here. It is a good idea for you to read everything in this section and keep up with it.

2 2 Moscow Downing Virus
by Admin
Jun 27, 2011 2:42:23 GMT -5
No New Posts News & Upgrades

All news regarding Stranglehold, role play related or not, as well as information about new upgrades added to the site will be posted here. You will also find activity checks in this board.

4 14 Need Everyone's Opinions
by Tawnystar6
Sept 22, 2011 19:46:36 GMT -5
No New Posts Point Shop

Members may trade in points earned to purchase things such as artwork of their character or special species characters. Rules/information on how to earn points are located inside.

4 20 OLD MEMBERS: Regain your points!
by Candle
Sept 15, 2011 3:41:44 GMT -5
No New Posts Questions & Suggestions

Anyone can come here to ask questions in general about Stranglehold or suggest something. The board is guest friendly, so there's no need to join to ask a question.

2 2 Smallpox and Immunity
by Guest
Jul 26, 2011 14:15:57 GMT -5
No New Posts Staff Board

This area is restricted to TSH staff only. It is to be used for important site-related discussion between staff members, not chatting.

11 46


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No New Posts Applications

All characters must first be submitted here and be approved by staff before being permitted to take part in role play.

12 16 Vendetta
by Vendetta
Nov 10, 2011 18:18:21 GMT -5
No New Posts Accepted

All character biographies that have been accepted will be moved here and sorted by a staff member.

29 58 Charlye
by Southie
Oct 11, 2011 2:50:11 GMT -5
No New Posts Packs

Current information on what packs exist are posted here. This is also the place to create or join a pack.

3 14 One Body
by Blur
Oct 16, 2011 16:03:27 GMT -5
No New Posts Breeding

If you would like to breed your character with another, please fill out the forms and post here.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Adoption

Characters currently up for adoption may be posted here. This includes newborn pups or characters of members who no longer wish to play them.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Classifieds

Looking for someone to role play with? Have an open thread? Want to find someone to start a pack with? Whatever it is you're looking for, post it here. Just be sure to include details.

3 9 Atti's Classifieds
by Atticus
Sept 11, 2011 11:15:26 GMT -5
No New Posts Logbook

Members may create a post in this board to keep track of accepted characters, threads they're currently in, social standings with other dogs/packs, etc. Please use your out of character account and limit to one thread per member.

1 1 Carlyle's Minions
by Carlyle
Oct 17, 2011 17:23:08 GMT -5


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No New Posts Campbell Elementary School

There is only one way into the building itself—through the old cellar in the back, which is difficult for most dogs to get into, but as the door is broken it can be pulled up enough for a dog to fit through by a particularly clever dog. There’s little of interest inside, most of the classrooms that do not have shut doors have already been picked apart by dogs and other animals, but they still offer a dry and somewhat soft place to sleep. Outside is far more interesting, though humans are occasionally there. There is a small old playground and a baseball field partially surrounded by chain-link fence. The few remaining human children occasionally come here, which often are more friend than foe to dogs, though much of the time they are also accompanied by adults, which can pose a risk to wandering dogs.

1 3 Melt (o)
by Raven
Sept 23, 2011 13:02:57 GMT -5
No New Posts Calvary Hospital

Most would expect hospitals would be filled to the brim with the large amount of people falling ill; this is not the case with Calvary. A short time after the outbreak it was set on fire by a gang that was absolutely terrified of catching the virus, believing anyone who caught it should be killed immediately in order to prevent it from spreading further. Knowing that there was no cure for the virus, the building was burned with many people inside. The fire was put out, but due to a lack of healthy doctors, and even fewer willing to risk exposure, along with a lack of resources and money, it closed its doors for good. The inside shows a fair amount of damage from the fire, but the damage from the water of putting the fire out is even more noticeable. Mold now creeps up many of the walls and much of the interior is rotting. It is dangerous for a dog to go inside due to the unstable nature of the building, though it is relatively easy to gain access to due to several broken windows. Human rumors of it being haunted by the ghosts of those who died in the fire are believed by many humans as well as some dogs.

2 13 Settling In
by Drake
Jul 27, 2011 16:16:31 GMT -5
No New Posts Stranglehold Zoo

Long since abandoned, the old enclosures and cages are no longer home to the exotic beasts that once resided there. With few healthy people left to care for them, and most people’s concern being their own health after the outbreak of the virus, the majority of the animals were killed for lack of knowing what else to do with them. The place is mostly abandoned by people and though it was never an incredibly large zoo, it is still quite spacious and offers many places for a dog to hide. Some old skeletons of the corpses of animals who were not fortunate enough to have been killed by man early on or those whose bodies were left afterward can be found, though these are rare. The entrance is locked with a tall iron gate, but access into the zoo via other openings is fairly easy for a dog, regardless of size.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts G & C Processing Plant

The no longer in-use meat processing plant, abandoned before the virus had even broken out. The building itself is large, mostly windowless, metal, and for the most part untouched by humans. A few people may hide out in it occasionally but the seemingly permanent stench makes it unpleasant to most people. A few of the windows on the back have been broken, allowing easy access for any animal enticed by the old smell. Inside there are many wooden crates, old machinery that hasn’t moved for years, hooks, chains, and past bloodstains. Everything is cold and uninviting, made of either metal or cement, and despite what it once was, there is no food unless rats or other strays are your dish.

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No New Posts Southwind Apartments

The old apartment complex was abandoned a bit after the outbreak due to the fact that so many people living in it had caught the disease. The owner of it also died due to the virus, therefore it was simply abandoned. Several of the windows and doors are boarded up, but many of them are not. Trash litters the outside of it as some of the homeless humans occasionally loiter there and seem to not care to pick up after themselves. There is an old pool in the back, but due to not being kept up it has become a murky shade of green. There is no longer chlorine in it so it may be safe to drink, but the color and murkiness of it coupled with the layer of pond scum on top usually deters most dogs. There are only two stories to the apartments, metal staircases being the only way to access the second story.

1 32 Final Moments of Peace;; OPEN
by Tarkah
Aug 11, 2011 1:05:32 GMT -5
No New Posts Stranglehold Cemetery

Overcrowded with both weeds and headstones, the basic upkeep of the old cemetery is lacking despite the “popularity” of it. Room for new bodies has quickly run out, and due to fear of the disease spreading, bodies are no longer buried here, but instead are burned in a small cement building towards the back near an old, giant oak tree. Bodies are stored in the building until several are accumulated and then all are burned at once, creating a terrible stench for quite a while. Visitors are no longer allowed, for fear of the healthy catching the disease, so the large iron gate in front is kept securely locked at all times. It is not impossible to get into but it is difficult, particularly for larger dogs, but the scent of rotting flesh may drive those desperate for food to try.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts ClownTown Amusement Park

Two years before the outbreak, this forlorn patch of over-grown, rusting downtown Stranglehold was abandoned because of emerging legal issues with the aging equipment. Having no money to fix the place or, the owner simply skipped town. The city officials had planned to bulldoze the place and build a strip mall, but the permits became mired in politics and people that wanted to preserve their childhood treasure. Nearly a decade later, ClownTown lays in exactly the position it was on the day it closed- roller-coaster cars permanently stopped mid-track, ticket-booths still holding rolls of tickets, open cash registers, and the caps of their former attendants. Food carts holding shriveled, rancid hot dogs and chicken kabobs waiting for the customers that never came. Occasionally, the winds get so rough that the main attraction, Tilt-o-Whirl, slowly spins in place, the ancient metal squealing under the massive ride's weight. Just a bit more wind and, at times, the roller-coaster carts move on their own, rolling forward or backward, passenger-less.

1 7 Those abandoned fairgrounds. [open to all!]
by Wei
Jul 13, 2011 23:38:03 GMT -5
No New Posts The Royal Hearts Casino

The prestige and royal look of this building has managed to stand in times of death and decay. Almost all of the building is intact, and only the grounds are overgrown and out of control. When the outbreak had begun, many people flooded to try and make it big, with hopes that the money they could win would save them from the virus. As the virus spread, people just gave up, and the casino became abandoned, money couldn't save anyone now. Years after it was abandoned, a pack moved in a seized control of the casino and it's surroundings, calling themselves The Gilded Hearts. Rumors say that you can still hear the shuffle of decks and the snap of cards on dealing tables echo through the casino, but who knows.

1 2 Ca'Ching {Open, Bane}
by Bane
Jul 21, 2011 22:51:44 GMT -5
No New Posts The Underground

Located beneath the center of Stranglehold is the underground. Roughly a quarter of the size of the city itself, it holds many of the city’s “homes”, especially those of the poorer folks. Most everything is made of concrete and cement, the florescent lights lining it are not bright or frequent enough to make up for the constant lack of sun, and the faint aroma of the nearby sewer can often be smelt. Dogfights for sport are more common here, as are human gangs, and human law is lacking. Like the sewers it borders, the Underground is not particularly pleasant.

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No New Posts Burnlands

The border surrounded the entire city of Stranglehold. Everything here has been burned from the city outward, leaving it nothing more than a scorched, barren expanse of earth. You may occasionally find bits of rubble, bones, or the old shell of a car. A bit of life has begun to grow back as the years have worn on, but besides the odd sapling of a tree or lone patch of grass it is all mostly dead. Water can only be found via puddles in old ruts after rainstorms, otherwise there is nothing to drink here.

1 3 The prospect for life [Drake, Gray]
by Drake
Jul 23, 2011 7:06:18 GMT -5
No New Posts God's Peak

Named for the human belief that the mountains are somehow holy, many humans have attempted to climb to the top, thinking that once there they would be free from or cured of the disease. In truth, there is no magic or holiness about the mountains, and nearly any human who has attempted to go to the top in search of this has ended up dying. Several corpses and skeletons can be found about the mountain range, most of which have been picked apart and gnawed on by roaming feral dogs. Blizzards are frequent in the winter, and the temperatures often plummet to unbearable lows as well. Towards the base there may be some small human “camps” at times, but these rarely stay for too long. There are old ruins wound around parts of the mountainside as well, giving some form of shelter to the stray dogs and other animals.

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No New Posts Suicide Forest

Right on the outskirts of The Stranglehold, between the city and God's Peak, there is a large expanse of trees, mostly made up pines and evergreens. The entire floor is covered in thick layers pine needles, leaves, tree branches, and moss-covered rocks, there is no exposed ground anywhere in the entire expanse of the forest. It is extremely quiet, there being hardly any wildlife that makes a home here. Those that do not know the forest would call it peaceful, but when one travels deeper into the forest and discovers the dark secrets it hides, they know why it is so silent. During the downward spiraling economy, and even more after the Moscow Downing Virus was at its peak, people would come to the forest and hang themselves from the trees. Now, the entire forest is littered with skeletons and belongings of the people that ended their lives along with the occasional new suicide. Rumors spread like wildfire about the angry spirits of those that killed themselves and how they've been disrespected after their deaths. For those that are not superstitious or faint of heart, it's packed with easy meals, if you're lucky enough to beat others there. However, if you are a bit more frightened, it may be a more difficult task to face your fears and enter the Suicide Forest.

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No New Posts Lost Lake

To the east of the Stranglehold lies the large, murky body of water known as Lost Lake to humans and dogs alike. Once a popular vacation destination, the few lake houses have mostly been torn down. The surrounding area is mostly brush followed by overgrown forest, though the area directly around the lake is rather open and pleasant. Drinking the water is not advised for humans, though dogs seem to have no problems with it. The water is rather murky, however, making it easy for the depth of the lake to be misjudged and lead to the drowning of a foolish dog.

1 12 My Own Personal Hell {OPEN}
by rook
Jul 15, 2011 21:33:56 GMT -5


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No New Posts Introductions

Introduce yourself! Tell the other members a bit about yourself or find out a bit more about the other members.

10 26 Howdy
by Cait
Sept 21, 2011 12:20:06 GMT -5
No New Posts Chatter

Chat with the other members, share some pictures of your real dogs, tell us about your day. Whatever you'd like, post it here.

6 18
No New Posts Art Board

Show off sketches of your characters, paintings you've done or even photography if you'd like. Writing is acceptable also. So long as you made it, feel free to post it and share here.

4 13
No New Posts Games & Contests

You may be able to win points by taking part in a game or contest created by a staff member. Member created games and contests may be posted here, though no points may be earned from winning them.

2 17 The Story Game!
by Atticus
Aug 31, 2011 4:16:54 GMT -5
No New Posts Absences

Going away for a while? Please post here to let us know! This will excuse you from any activity checks held during your absence and allow people role playing with you to know you won't be around.

9 14 For Those Who Care...
by Atticus
Nov 11, 2011 9:11:36 GMT -5


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No New Posts New Advertisments

If we have not previously posted an advertisement on your site then please place your advertisement here. Be sure to read the rules inside before advertising, please. You must have a guest friendly advertising section for us to link back on.

156 157 Werifesteria || Feral Dogs || Unique Language || Fresh Plots
by CollieflowersBark
May 23, 2023 18:57:47 GMT -5
No New Posts Link Back Advertisements

If we've already posted an advertisement on your forum and you're linking back, please post your ad here. Posting it anywhere else will result in another one of our advertisements being posted on your forum.

16 16 forest of fate ! traditional.warriors.rpg
by FoF Staff
Jul 27, 2011 13:13:28 GMT -5
No New Posts Affiliate

Post inside if you would like to affiliate with The Stranglehold. You must have our button up first.

17 18 Affiliation Rules
by Affiliate
Nov 13, 2011 12:28:28 GMT -5


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